How To Do A Great Product Demo?

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Putting up a demo presentation that impresses not only your boss and customers, but even the CEO is no small feat. You should be well-prepared, but we’ve covered it in a separate piece. Here are nine simple ways to dominate product demos that we’ve compiled for you today. Mastering these principles will allow you to showcase your product in a fashionable way while also connecting with your audience and leading your business to more spectacular engagements.

Product Demos: What Are They?

Demonstrating the functionality of a product or service to prospective buyers is known as a product demo. Displaying the product’s ability to resolve an issue or enhance the user’s experience is the main focus.

What is the Best Way to Present a Demo?

The secret to a successful demo is knowing who you’re talking to. Instead than simply listing features, focus on how your product addresses their problems to cater to their individual needs. Asking thought-provoking questions and presenting concrete, applicable examples can keep readers interested.

What is the Ideal Duration for a Product Demo?

There is no suggested, guaranteed, or definite time for a demo. Yet, fifteen to twenty minutes seemed to be an appropriate duration. While a product demonstration shouldn’t just focus on your product’s features or technical aspects, you’re bound to bring them up.

1. Think of Your Presentation Like a Conversation

As with any interaction, a product demo should begin with a formal welcome and standard courtesies. Get to the point quickly and avoid “attacking” the demo attendee by jumping to the first item on your to-say list. To ensure a fruitful call, inquire about their well-being. Alternately, you might share what you learned about the individual or business from your investigation.

2. Lay Out the Schedule

Continue to the next stage once you have achieved the aforementioned smooth start. Your presentation should contain an agenda slide. Give the prospect a rundown of the demo’s duration, subjects, and how it will address their company’s problems. Make sure that you clearly outline each section of your agenda, including the beginning, when you will get into the details, and how the end will appear. Make sure your prospect knows that they will have the opportunity to ask questions and rewatch any portion of the demo that they feel is necessary.

3. Know Your Audience

Your prospect’s communication style will become apparent after just a short demonstration. In a blog post titled “9 Mistakes Your Sales Reps Make When Making Inside Sales Calls,” we discuss mirroring.

If you want your sales call to go well, mimic their movements, read their expressions, and make eye contact. Speak their language; it is incredibly crucial. Stick to comparable expressions. If you realize that your prospect is chill and doesn’t put any effort into creating distance, try being more forthright, humorous, and lighthearted.

Also Read: Reasons Why Customer Feedback Is Important To Your Business

4. Conduct a Discovery Session

Deep investigation will inevitably leave some unanswered questions. Now is the moment to construct sentences brimming with original information from these question marks.

Express your desire to comprehend the prospect’s demands in detail. You should inquire as to the prospective purchaser’s long-term difficulties and current pain areas that impact their day-to-day job.

As a leader or team member, what concerns them? Why aren’t their personnel more efficient? Are there any plans or ideas they have about your offer? Can you tell me what they need? Were you wondering who would be using the solution? Is there anything you should know about doing a discovery session?

5. Pay Attention to Key Details Quite simply

Skip the long, fruitful exploration session and the high-level introduction; we’ll get to the meat of the matter right now. We should probably just reiterate what we said in our previous piece regarding product demos and demo calls, but it bears repeating.

Your demonstrations will always be more impressive if you highlight the benefits of the product you’re showcasing. We will not be discussing the new dashboard’s aesthetics or its general features at this time. How your product benefits the buyer is the most important factor. Or, more precisely, the ways in which your product will help your client. Always put the consumer first!

Always consider the prospect’s company departments when presenting features, and try to put them in the perspective of how they might be used and benefited. Show the head of sales how your product could enhance their reps’ work if you get the chance to speak with them. If time permits, you can also discuss the advantages to other divisions. Don’t brag about the customer who purchased your product and had an immediate uptick in efficiency in their financial department.

6: Bug Fixing

You can make mistakes when demonstrating the functionality of your product. Demos and video calls of products conducted online are not immune to bugs. Do not become angry if there is an unforeseen issue or system failure.

7. Keep Track of Time

Tell me what you can do to make sales calls more effective. Keep to the time you specified in the agenda and don’t, under any circumstances, drag out the discussion. The purpose of creating a plan or checklist before your product demo is twofold: first, to help you organize the call; second, to make it easier for you to keep track of time.

8. Stop Showing Off Your Product Properly

Go over everything that happened during your demo, highlighting the most essential areas and outlining what your prospect needs to do to make the most of the conversation.

Feel free to bring up any queries that you were unable to ask and assure them that you will respond with an answer at your earliest convenience. And, of course, follow your instructions. Keep your word.

9. Sales call tracking and monitoring

The effectiveness of your sales department is dependent on your ability to track and manage sales calls. In order to evaluate the total performance of a single sales representative, a team, and eventually the entire department, it is necessary to use sales call monitoring to examine each and every discussion.


We hope you have gained some knowledge on how to deliver a solid product demo. Value is at the heart of every demo that brings you one step closer to a closed deal. Your objective should be to demonstrate to the potential customer how your solution may improve their workflow. For expert advice and guidance, consider seeking sales consultancy in Gurugram to enhance your sales strategies and achieve better results.